I have a folder ABC, with subfolders "01","02",...
These folders contain letters about subjects "01", "02",...
The filenames of these letters start with a number e.g. "01" contains a
letter "1385.ToMisterX.DealXYZ"
and folder "02" contains a letter "1386.ToMisterY.DealABC"
How do I create a button (Macro), that when pressed,
goes trough all the subfolders "01","02",...,
finds the highest number (in this case 1386),
adds 1,
and inserts the new (letter-)number (in this case 1387) ?
If you have the solution, that would be of great help to me. Tx in adevance.
These folders contain letters about subjects "01", "02",...
The filenames of these letters start with a number e.g. "01" contains a
letter "1385.ToMisterX.DealXYZ"
and folder "02" contains a letter "1386.ToMisterY.DealABC"
How do I create a button (Macro), that when pressed,
goes trough all the subfolders "01","02",...,
finds the highest number (in this case 1386),
adds 1,
and inserts the new (letter-)number (in this case 1387) ?
If you have the solution, that would be of great help to me. Tx in adevance.