Numbering lists



Our school database has a report for the student's daily
attendance. The students are grouped by class.

A co-worker has asked that the students be given a number
next to their name on the list so she can see very quickly
how many kids are in the class.

This number would have no meaning outside the report as
the students already have assigned student numbers.

How do I use a calculated field to do this. I have no
experince at all with VBA so a non programming solution
would be better.

Thanks in advance for any help



1.) Don't shy away from it, learn a little vba, its not hard and you'll find
many chores much easier if you do.
2.) For this task you don't need any vba. Add an unbound text box to your
report. For the control source, specify: =1, for the running sum property
of the control set it to OverGroup.

That will do it.

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