Hi Jackie
Your normal.dot template should be in the folder identified at Tools >
Options > File Locations > User Templates.
If you *also* have a normal.dot file in the folder identified there as the
Startup folder, then Word will ignore it, and you should delete it.
If you want to make a change to your normal.dot file, then follow the
instructions at
How to change the default settings for Word documents
However, many people would advise you against putting page numbers in your
normal.dot file. This is because, once you've put a header or footer in any
file, you can't delete them. You can delete the content in a header or
footer, but you can't delete it completely.
When you can't delete a header or footer, it makes it very difficult to
print anything with very small margins, like a page of labels.
The best advice is to do File > New and choose to create a new template.
Make the changes you need there, add your page numbers and save it. Now,
when you want a document with page numbers, do File > New and choose your
Hope this helps.
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.