numbering records in a query



Posted this yesterday, but it never showed up, so I'll
give it a shot again! I need help with a query that
pulls info about tests that a child has taken. For
example I have child A who took a Home Literacy test on
10/01/2003 and another on 11/01/2003. I need to have a
query that will assign test numbers (1 and 2) to these
tests according to the date. I have child B who took a
home liertacy test on 11/01/2003 and has taken two
Creating readers tests, one on 10/03/2003 and another on
11/5/2003. Again, I need to have the query assign the
tests numbers-Home literacy 1, Creating readers 1 and 2.
I need the query to be able to pull all children and all
tests they have taken.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks Tara

[MVP] S.Clark

Out of curiosity, what is your table structure(s)?


Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
Is your Access database too slow?
Are you ready to upgrade to SQL Server?
Contact us for optimization and/or upsizing!


The data is stored in several different tables:

TblChild(demographics of child. Also Contains: Family ID
(foreign key) and Child ID (primary key)

TblChildTests(Contains: Child Test ID (primary key),Child
ID (foreign key), Test Date, and Test ID)

TblFamily(demographic info about primary Household
Member; primary key-> Family ID)

Thanks, Tara

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