I have a need to export a Word document into a text file. Currently, the data
is in a Table. I am dropping the Table to Text. As an option, I use a pipe
"|" as a delimeter. However, since one of the columns is numbered, there is
no pipe inserted. Is there a way to "drop numbering" without losing the
value? For example,
the numbering may begin at 5896 and progress thru 6213. Can I "drop" the
numbering and retain the value?
- Bill
is in a Table. I am dropping the Table to Text. As an option, I use a pipe
"|" as a delimeter. However, since one of the columns is numbered, there is
no pipe inserted. Is there a way to "drop numbering" without losing the
value? For example,
the numbering may begin at 5896 and progress thru 6213. Can I "drop" the
numbering and retain the value?
- Bill