Numbers in Project Pro don't match Data Analysis


Jim Erwin

When I look at Project Pro 2007, I can see that for a task of 0.5
hours, the Actual Work shows 0.5h. Yet in Data Analysis, the task
shows 0.499993h. The project was just published and the Cube
rebuilt. (This isn't the only task like this, it is just an example -
this is pretty common across a lot of tasks). What is tricking Data
Analysis to produce this decimal number? I understand we could have
it round off the decimals, but I am more concerned with why the number
is different in the first place. If a user enters that he/she did 0.5
hours of work, then the system should show that, not .499993.

Any clarification is greatly appreciated.

FYI, this is PS07 with SP1 + IU and CUs through February 09.

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