Numbers in speech recognition



When I try to enter numerical data in Excel using speech recognition I say
something like "4.23" and get "4.2 three" and "5.39" I get "5.3 nine" etc. I
have tried formatting the cells as numbers with 2 decimal places... still
doesn't work.

There should be a way to enter ONLY numbers... especially with a program
like Excel! Is there anyway to limit the available input to ONLY NUBMERS?
If not, WTF, they dropped the ball on that one!

I collect HOURS of data each day on a voice recorder and could cut my time
in half (minus the error checking time) if I could just play the voice
recorder into the speech recognition and not worry about this kind of crap


That is 4.23 becomes 4.2 three...

5.39 becomes 5.3 nine...

don't know why THIS board won't let me put quotes around things...

or edit my original post...

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