numbers instead if text



Hi, can this code work if instead of "OK" i manually enter numbers?

pay", IF(COUNT(Sheet1!A1:G1),IF(TODAY()>=MAX(Sheet1!A1:G1),"Expired",


Bob Umlas

Sure, but also remove the quotes (unless Sheet2!A1:G1 are formatted as text)
Why not just try it?


Hi Bob.I did not explain exactly what i need. I need to manually enter in
every cell in range a different number.
A1 145/01.01.2010
B1 258/01.02.2010
C1 298/01.03.2010
D1 401/01.04.2010

I need the formula to not contain a default number in it. I need the formula
to work if i enter a diferent number in a cell, each time. I don't want to
replace in formula "OK" with a number without quotes like you said. I need to
not put anything in formula instead of "OK". I need to cut somehow this part
with "OK" and the formula to work knowing that in every cell in range it will
be a different number each time.
The idea is that the formula to display "please pay" if there is an empty
cell. If the cell contain something(and it will contain numbers-different
numbers)than the formula to display result.
Sorry for my english.
Can this be done?

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