Numbers not displaying



I have upgraded to XP and reinstalled Access 2000. Numbers are not visible either through Print Preview nor printed out. This is true whether number is actual table field type or part of a string (i.e. 25 Main St - the number 25 is not visible nor printed out). I can "see" the number when looking into the table, but not through a report, print preview on Table, Query result nor report

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


Cheryl Fischer

The symptoms you describe appear to match a rather unique problem which
occurs occasionally. It was resolved by "Guylaine" in 2003. Following is
a complete copy of his post.

Begin quoted material:

The fix is quite simple but still strange ...

For some reason the registry key 1025 is set to ON (concerning arabic
language) and the arabic language is not taken care of ...

You either turn it OFF :
Key : HKEY_USERS\<<user
(As to be done for every user on the machine)

or install the arabic language (good for everyone):
Control Panel
Regional settings
General tab
Check the arabic language
Accept and reboot

I found it on Microsoft French site KB469516:

If you have the problem I'm sure you can read french !!

End quoted material

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

alan said:
I have upgraded to XP and reinstalled Access 2000. Numbers are not visible
either through Print Preview nor printed out. This is true whether number is
actual table field type or part of a string (i.e. 25 Main St - the number 25
is not visible nor printed out). I can "see" the number when looking into
the table, but not through a report, print preview on Table, Query result
nor report.

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