Numbers of Tables & Figures


Robin Clay

Posted also in microsoft.public.word.docmanagement

Greetings !

If I should want the number of words in the document, then

Tools > Word count will give it

OR I can get it by File > Properties > Statistics

OR I can use Insert > Field > NumWords

OR Insert > Fields > DocProperty > Words

HOWEVER.... How can I insert into the document
the answers to

(a) Number of Tables, and

(b) Number of Figures

If I click on Insert > Reference > Caption,
then WORD offers me the appropriate Number
for Figure, Table or Equation, so somewhere
WORD is keeping a running tally of each.

So how can I access these?

RClay AT haswell DOT com

Word Heretic

G'day "Robin Clay" <[email protected]>,


the illusion of the facade has mesmerized you I'm afraid. All that
stuff is dynamically calculated when you have a range. The count is
from a listnum sequence and until you go look for the last one its
impossible to tell. So we can write a macro to sit behind a
macrobutton to calc these numbers on the document and insert them into
a bookmarked range whenever we like, but that's just a snapshot of a
dynamic document.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Robin Clay reckoned:

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Robin,

Please do not multipost.

If you want you can crosspost (Many newsgroups in the To: field when you
crate your message.)

The reason is simple:
People may end up "wasting" their time answering a post that has already
been answered elsewhere, thus it may be very likely that their particular
response to a post be totally ignored if the reply received elsewhere was
satisfactory to the original poster.
Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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