numbers sorting backwards on reports



I have created a table that has somthing similar to:

Number Service Amount
1 Service A 500
2 Service B 550
3 Service C 500
4 Service D 450
5 Service E 500
6 Service F 600
7 Service G 300
8 Service H 500

I want it to appear on the report like that so I sorted it in the query as
above. When I preview the report it shows as:

8 Service H 500
7 Service G 300
6 Service F 600
5 Service E 500
4 Service D 450
3 Service C 500
2 Service B 550
1 Service A 500

Why is it appering backwards like this and how do i change it?

Duane Hookom

The sort in the query has little or nothing to do with the order records
appear in reports. Use the Sorting and Grouping dialog with the report
design to set the order.

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