I've overlayed a fixed length (width of columns) report and linked it as a
Table (the report is actually a download to TXT). When I Query this I
receive an error: "Numeric field overflow".
I noticed another posted question on "Numeric field overflow", but I've
used both IS NULL and IS NOT NULL (which was answer on posting). I still
receive the errors.
I'm pulling off 4 columns: 2 Text, 1 Long Integer and 1 Double. I'm
Qualifying 1 Text & Long Integer as IS NOT NULL and the other Text as IS
NULL, not Qualifying the Double field.
I've checked to make sure my fields are wide enough, but that shouldn't be a
problem since the fixed length overlay should control the fileds of data.
What does this error point to as the problem?
Thanks, Steve
Table (the report is actually a download to TXT). When I Query this I
receive an error: "Numeric field overflow".
I noticed another posted question on "Numeric field overflow", but I've
used both IS NULL and IS NOT NULL (which was answer on posting). I still
receive the errors.
I'm pulling off 4 columns: 2 Text, 1 Long Integer and 1 Double. I'm
Qualifying 1 Text & Long Integer as IS NOT NULL and the other Text as IS
NULL, not Qualifying the Double field.
I've checked to make sure my fields are wide enough, but that shouldn't be a
problem since the fixed length overlay should control the fileds of data.
What does this error point to as the problem?
Thanks, Steve