Numeric (\#) field switches


lotsof questions

Am setting up a form template which will be used in
France. They use the following numeric format for
dollars: $x xxx xxx,00. Spaces instead of commas and a
comma for the decimal place holder.

I have 1)changed my "Regional Options" under the Control
Panel to France and made the appropriate changes to the
comma separator and decimal place holder.

2) Altered my US formula (which works) by substituting the
spaces and commas.

The calculation does not work!

qty cost ea total
1 $5 336 205,00 $ 646 WRONG!

My formula is written as: {=x*y\# $# ##0,00;($# ##0,00);}
and is inserted into a table cell from "Table-Formula".
If I substitute in the commas and decimals of the US the
formula works fine. Can someone show me what I'm missing
to make it work?

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < lotsof questions > écrivait :
In this message, < lotsof questions > wrote:

|| Am setting up a form template which will be used in
|| France. They use the following numeric format for
|| dollars: $x xxx xxx,00. Spaces instead of commas and a
|| comma for the decimal place holder.
|| I have 1)changed my "Regional Options" under the Control
|| Panel to France and made the appropriate changes to the
|| comma separator and decimal place holder.
|| 2) Altered my US formula (which works) by substituting the
|| spaces and commas.
|| The calculation does not work!
|| qty cost ea total
|| 1 $5 336 205,00 $ 646 WRONG!
|| My formula is written as: {=x*y\# $# ##0,00;($# ##0,00);}
|| and is inserted into a table cell from "Table-Formula".
|| If I substitute in the commas and decimals of the US the
|| formula works fine. Can someone show me what I'm missing
|| to make it work?

Make sure that you are using non-breaking spaces in the formula numeric
switch. The French version of Word will automatically insert non-breaking
spaces when the locked form will be used.

Calculations in locked forms in Word for multi-regional versions of Word is
a real nightmare.
I did a form once for a French version of Word on a French Version. When I
used it on an English version of Word (With the same regional settings) it
did not work because of non-breaking spaces. In the end I had to do a
version for the French version of Word and one for the English version (with
VBA I might have found a way around that, but the client did not want to pay
for a more expensive VBA version!). So I do not know if there is a VBA way
around that! If you find one, let me know!

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

lotsof questions

Jean-Guy Marcil:
Is it correct that I create the non-breaking spaces by
holding the SHFT-CTRL keys down while pressing the space
bar (like a non-breaking hyphen?).... I substituted SHFT-
CTRL-SPACE where the commas would go and am getting [!
Syntax Error #]in the field.

The cells where the Unit Price fields reside are set at
Numeric and the format is $0nbs00,00 with nbs being the
non-breaking I going in circles here?

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < lotsof questions > écrivait :
In this message, < lotsof questions > wrote:

| Jean-Guy Marcil:
| Is it correct that I create the non-breaking spaces by
| holding the SHFT-CTRL keys down while pressing the space
| bar (like a non-breaking hyphen?).... I substituted SHFT-
| CTRL-SPACE where the commas would go and am getting [!
| Syntax Error #]in the field.
| The cells where the Unit Price fields reside are set at
| Numeric and the format is $0nbs00,00 with nbs being the
| non-breaking I going in circles here?

Yes you are correct.

But if I remember correctly, you will not be able to test it because the
formfields in the English version of Word expect regular spaces...
You would need a French Version of Word.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:



If you don't mind multiplying the value by 100 you could code your field
switch as:

\# $###\ ###\ ##0','00

to display a result that 'looks' correct.


lotsof questions

Jean-Guy > my thanks for your assistance, however, one
last indicated that the French version of
Word "automatically" inserts the non-breaking space. If I
add the non-breaking space to my formula in the English
version of Word - does it create calculation problems when
used in the French version? (Am trying to decide whether
they need to be in or out)

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < lotsof questions > écrivait :
In this message, < lotsof questions > wrote:

| Jean-Guy > my thanks for your assistance, however, one
| last indicated that the French version of
| Word "automatically" inserts the non-breaking space. If I
| add the non-breaking space to my formula in the English
| version of Word - does it create calculation problems when
| used in the French version? (Am trying to decide whether
| they need to be in or out)

I do not remember the details, but the bottom line of the experience I had
with his was that I could not produce a document that was guaranteed to work
in both the French and English version without VBA (as per my client
original needs).

As for producing a form with calculations from an English version of Word so
that it will work in a French version... You will have to test it to make
sure, but I believe that you can try as you suggest (you can use
non-breaking spaces in the number format list of the form field property
dialog to create something that is Custom in the English version, but
standard in a French version)

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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