numeric keypad



The numeric keypad is not working in Excel. In other apps it is just fine.
Mouse controls is turned off. Excel for MacOS X SR 1 running on 10.3.4

JE McGimpsey

Richard said:
The numeric keypad is not working in Excel. In other apps it is just fine.
Mouse controls is turned off. Excel for MacOS X SR 1 running on 10.3.4

Did you type Shift-Numlock?

This should toggle the numbers on the keypad - and you'll see the NUM
"LED" in XL's status bar toggle on and off.


I don't think I have a numlock key on my keyboard (G5). Is it labelled
something different?

Norman R. Nager, Ph.D.

On my G4's stock Apple Extended USB Keyboard, the numeric keypad's
"numlock" key also has the word "clear" on it. On my keyboard, it's in
numeric keypad's 2nd row from the top and it's the first key from the left.

Respectfully, Norm


Thank you, thank you. The clear key evidently serves as the numlock toggle
on my G5 keyboard. My Excel now recognizes the numeric keypad.

Thanks again,

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