Numerical Difference between Bookmarks



I need to write an on-entry macro that will jump to a specific input field further on in my online form if the numerical difference between two bookmarks (that have been input as numbers) is less than zero. Please could someone advise me of the easiest way to do this.
Thanks for your help


How about something like

Sub My_OnExit()
With ActiveDocument
If CDbl(.Bookmarks("Bkm1").Range.Text) - _
CDbl(.Bookmarks("Bkm1").Range.Text) < 0 Then

End If
End With
End Sub

Substitute above bookmarks/formfield names to match your's
If not helpfull, kindly specify a bit more ...


Dawn said:
I need to write an on-entry macro that will jump to a specific input field
further on in my online form if the numerical difference between two
bookmarks (that have been input as numbers) is less than zero. Please could
someone advise me of the easiest way to do this.

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