Object creation


Ken McLennan

G'day there One & All,

I've cleverly confused myself with my latest little project ("So.
What's new?" I hear from several directions). I had an idea in mind to
build a little application wherein I could use Excel as a database (Ok,
it's actually a list of 3 or 4 columns) to store the many links that
accumulate on my desktop at work. I have 3 different machines I work on,
and all of them have different links and menus. It's not planned that
way, but that's how it's evolved. I'm not the only one in that boat so
if I can get something to work that even the Numpties can understand and
operate then I can pass it around.

I thought that I could easily copy a single Excel file from
'pooter to 'pooter and keep all the machines in sync. I can even keep it
on my keyring for the times I'm in another office. The links may point
to Excel workbooks, PPT presentations, Word docs, files, folders,
pictures, etc. The usual crap that accumulates over time. I considered
that my column headings (fields) would be "Category", "Name", "Link" and
"Flag" with the user being able to maintain a list of their own
categories, and "Flag" being set/unset by my code to determine whether
or not that particular link will be displayed.

I've built my userform and got some of the code running. Among
other things it starts up and hides Excel so there's just the userform
showing. I can flag rows to indicate if they should be displayed, and a
few other things. I've written code to test/try out various techniques
to display the links and amend the userform as required, but I've not
really gotten very far into it and have run into a bit of a puzzle.

I've got a class module to define the click event for my list of
alphabetical command buttons - "A-Z" & "All" & "Admin" (thanks to Chip
Pearson's site). The latter button is for category list maintenance, and
default settings such as whether to open in Alphabetical or Categorised
mode, or recall the settings from the last session. I'm sure that I can
build all that sort of stuff and have a bit of a start already.

My next bright idea was to build an object to hold the 28 command
buttons for the alphabetical listings, and another for the user defined
number of categories. I would then replace one with the other and
display the link names accordingly. I thought it would be easier to
handle 2 objects, rather than a list of 28 buttons and another of what
is basically a random number since I don't know how many categories my
users will set. Then I realised that I don't know how to do it, or even
if it can be done. Google led me to How To's on manipulating various
MSOffice objects, but not on how to build my own. Can anyone point me in
the right direction, or at least tell me I've gone mad and it can't be

Also, as I typed this, I realised that I'm not sure how to display
the links. I'm fairly sure that a listbox won't allow me to show the
names as 2 or 3 columns of hyperlinks. Even if it did, I could only
select an entire row and not allow selection of individual columns
across the row. I'm sure there's a control that will allow me to show a
section of a worksheet, so I might have to copy the required links to a
range of 3 columns and then show that in my control. Does that sound

...and there's another question that a smallish experiment would
probably determine. Suppose I have a control at home, and use it in a
userform. If I then take that workbook with me to the office and run it
there, is the control included in my workbook and will magically appear
at work? or do I have to thump the IT techs until they install that
control on my office 'pooter?

Any ideas, criticisms, or suggestions are appreciated, as long as
I can physically perfom the suggested acts without being arrested or

Tom Ogilvy

The control will need to be installed on the computer where it is used. It
is not embedded in the file.

A userform does not support hyperlinks. John Walkenbach has a workaround:

He also has articles on dynamically adding controls and so forth including
class module to handle the events for multiple controls (commandbuttons in
the article, but suitable for all MS Forms 2.0 controls - although only
native events):

Ken McLennan

G'day there Tom,
The control will need to be installed on the computer where it is used. It
is not embedded in the file.

Dammit!! I thought that may be the case, but wasn't sure
whether I could statically link it some how. Obviously not. I'm sure
Microsoft did it that way on purpose, just 'cause they hate me.
A userform does not support hyperlinks. John Walkenbach has a workaround:

Hmmm... I don't understand why it wouldn't, but if that's
the case I'm off to see what Mr Walkenbach has to say.
He also has articles on dynamically adding controls and so forth including
class module to handle the events for multiple controls (commandbuttons in
the article, but suitable for all MS Forms 2.0 controls - although only
native events):

Now THAT will come in handy!!!

Thanks very much for your reply, Tom. I appreciate it greatly.
Dunno what date it is where you are, but over here it's 25 Dec. So Merry
Xmas! Take care and perhaps we'll speak/type again.

Thanks once more.

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