Object Error: what am i doing wrong??



Dear Experts, in my quest to explore macro's I am currently lost. I
learn mostly by creative copy pasting and a lot of trail and
error... ;-) However, i am... stuck. Is there anyone who can review my
code and tell me why I get an error telling me the 'Object does not
support the property or method'. The lines generating this error have
been put between >>>>
(I copied this from a sheet where i use this also and it does work!)

Sub Write_Results()

Dim sDateExtract As String
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim lFiledate As Long
Dim rLastSplitsPerAI As Range
Dim LSPAI As Long
Dim sFileNameResults As String

0 If lFiledate = 0 Then
lFiledate = InputBox("Enter date of reportation. (yyyymmdd)")
MsgBox "You will create the SE Report for " & lFiledate
End If

sFileNameResults = "SE statistiek " & lFiledate & ".xls"
LSPAI = 126
Set rLastSplitsPerAI = Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(3, LSPAI))
sDateExtract = Mid(lFiledate, 5, 2) & "/" & Right(lFiledate, 2) & "/"
& Left(lFiledate, 4)
MsgBox sDateExtract

Set FoundCell = Range("A1:A800").Find _
(What:=DateValue(sDateExtract), LookIn:=xlFormulas)
2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127)).Value _
= Workbooks(sFileNameResults).Sheets("SPAI").rLastSplitsPerAI.Value
MsgBox "Oops... something went wrong, check things manually plz."
End If

End Sub


firstly, unless i'm blind i didn't find any >>>>>'s. :) so i don't
know where it's erroring.

a first thought is shouldn't Dim lFiledate As Long be Dim IFiledate as
0 If lFiledate = 0 Then why is the first zero there? that would make it error.

i have some possible ideas about sDateExtract but i'm not sure so i'll
keep my mouth shut for now about those..... :)
hope this helps
(ps - & i learn most of my vba thru trial & error, too!)


Susan, thx for pointing out my omission of the >>>> :|

The reasons I don't Dim lFileDate as Date is the trouble I hate with
working with dates in Excel. (Some of my collegues use the European,
others the American system. Besides... I use the string in my SaveAs
I do not know how that darn 0 got there either... -_-

Let me repost my code, with the >>>> I can select the ranges mentioned
in between just fine, but i cant copy paste or Range.Value =
Range .Value

Sub Write_Results()

Dim sDateExtract As String
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim lFiledate As Long
Dim rLastSplitsPerAI As Range
Dim LSPAI As Long
Dim sFileNameResults As String

If lFiledate = 0 Then
lFiledate = InputBox("Enter date of reportation. (yyyymmdd)")
MsgBox "You will create the SE Report for " & lFiledate
End If

sFileNameResults = "SE statistiek " & lFiledate & ".xls"
LSPAI = 126
Set rLastSplitsPerAI = Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(3, LSPAI))
sDateExtract = Mid(lFiledate, 5, 2) & "/" & Right(lFiledate, 2) & "/"
& Left(lFiledate, 4)
MsgBox sDateExtract

Set FoundCell = Range("A1:A800").Find _
(What:=DateValue(sDateExtract), LookIn:=xlFormulas)
2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127)).Value _
= Workbooks(sFileNameResults).Sheets("SPAI").rLastSplitsPerAI.Value

MsgBox "Oops... something went wrong, check things manually plz."
End If

End Sub


LOL you still forgot the >>>>>'s!

but, since you mentioned the selects & the pasting, it gives me a
better idea where to look......... (in this area, i believe):

Set FoundCell = Range("A1:A800").Find _
(What:=DateValue(sDateExtract), LookIn:=xlFormulas)
If FoundCell <> "" Then
2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127)).Value _
= Workbooks(sFileNameResults).Sheets("SPAI").rLastSplitsPerAI.Value

Find (What:=DateValue(sDateExtract)

you don't have DateValue dimmed as a variable......
although i'm thinking perhaps that's a VBA object or something?
if not, then you need to declare that.
also, you're looking for sDateExtract in the formulas...
try values?

also, i don't see where you're copying or pasting anything.....
you find this datevalue, & then you tell a range in worksheet
"overview" that it's value should come from a range in another

see, trial & error!


Susan, im giving up on the >>>>s (This time they were in my code for
sure when i copied it to GoogleGroups... ;-)

You are right, the error occurs in this bit:
2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127)).Value _
= Workbooks(sFileNameResults).Sheets("SPAI").rLastSplitsPerAI.Value

I checked and the setting of FoundCell works fine, even though i dont
completely get why... I had the same thoughts as you on that, but this
works... so that is okay enough, even though i dont fully understand
it... (Timepressure :S)
This FoundCell basically is the Row on which I want to insert my
results in my overview file. The reason i want to do it like this, is
I want to avoid the Clipboard. (Our system is VERY slow).

To give you an idea:
copying it via
Workbooks(sFileNameResults).Sheets("SPLITS PER AI").Range(Cells(3, 1),
Cells(3, LSPAI)).Select

and pasting it via
FoundCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

Does work, but since i need to do these with more data this becomes
very code and memory inefficient...

Thx for thinking along ^^


ok. what happens when you step thru the code?
you said you're getting "does not support the property or method", so
i'm assuming that vba can't find one of these workbooks.

2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127)).Value _
= Workbooks(sFileNameResults).Sheets("SPAI").rLastSplitsPerAI.Value

OR it can't find the sheet, or it can't find the range.
step thru & hover over each of these & see which one it can't find.

to make life easier, i would set variables for these 2 ranges:

dim DestCell as range
dim StartCell as range

set startcell =
2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127))

set destcell =

then you could add
msgbox destcell.address
msgbox startcell.address

to make sure vba knows where they are.
that might help you find the error.
if it knows where both of them are, try
destcell.value = startcell.value



Susan, getting very frustrated here... (not because of you ofc!)
I think there's a problem with the way I address my ranges. I tried ur
suggestion and there seems to be a problem with setting

set startcell =
2), Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127))

Got the thing working now, because i need it implemented by Monday,
but I am still desperately and hardheadedly looking for my mistake.


Just now, by chance i notice that the problem probably is in the way i
address my Workbooks. No idea why, but when i run the macro it gives
an error, if I select the workbook and then continue my macro it
works... weird... still no solution though

Tom Ogilvy

I haven't read the full thread, but for the specific part you are highlighting:

You qualify only the range and not the cells within the range. This means
that the range will point to a specific sheet and the cells will point to the
activesheet. When these are the same (as you have observed), the code works.
When not, you get an error.

Fix it like this

With Workbooks("overview_f.xls").Sheets("SPAI")
set startcell = .Range(.Cells(FoundCell.Row,2), _
.Cells(FoundCell.Row, 127))
End With

Range and Both Cells should be preceded with a period.


artis -
i hope tom's solution worked for you & you made your deadline.........
sorry i couldn't help.


Tom, thx for this clarification... It is through help like yours that
i learn from my mistakes :)

@ Susan: your help clarified the problem for me. I did manage to get
it working in time, by rerecording and using that code. (From my
observation that the sheet needed to be selected...)

I hope that someday i can post replies in stead of questions here.
Keep up your generousity in helping!

Now I will improve my macro... I thought i fixed the dateproblem, but
alas... that one is still a bugger :S TBC

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