Object Library



Can anyone help me resolve the following message: "Name
conflicts with existing module, project, or object

I have a database that works fine on my computer, but not
on other computers.

I have checked the references and the VB for applications
extended is missing on the computers where the database
isn't working.

I've tried checking the box for that library on the
computers where the database isn't working, but I get the
message above.

There is one subform that I can't see when I open its main
form on the computers that are missing this library. How
can I resolve this??? Please help!!!!!

Also, on the computers where the database isn't working
the library "Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library" is
installed. On my computer I have the "Microsoft DAO 3.5
Object Library".


Albert D. Kallal

It sounds like some of the target pc's are running different versions of the
software. By different versions, I mean not the same update release. It
likely means that some computers have updates and bug fixes installed, and
other pc's don't. This means that you while use the same version of office,
in effect users are running different versions.

Your company need to set down some versions policies. I seen companies with
only 5 pc's have MORE support costs and problems then a company with 25
computers. You will save THOUSANDS of dollars in support costs and down time
by simply ensuring that each computer in your office is running the SAME
release version. That say, if you fix a problem on one computer, that fix
will apply to all computers in the office. If you don't version, then you
will pay for troubleshooting for once pc, but the fix will no apply to all
other computers.

Anyway, you did not mention what version of office you are running (not
surprised you failed this detail).

Anyway, if you are developing and running access97, then on your development
pc you need to install the bug fixes and server packs that fixes a lot of
things. Further, in your case, it is the "different" computers that is cause
your troubles. So, for a good clean a97 install, you need to do the

install sr1 (this usually already installed)
install sr2b
install jet35sp3.exe

In your case...that last one looks like the problem. get jet 351 working on
your pc, with the correct reference. Make sure that his 351 (jet35sp3) is
installed on all pc's. It has been a while..but I think jst35sp3 comes
across as 352...but in the refs..it is 351.

Anyway, just get all the pc's at the same software release level. I REALLY
want to stress that is approach to pc software management does NOT only
apply to ms-access, but any good office should be run this way...and failure
to do so will cost you thousands in support costs.

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