Object Name and For Loop



Good morning,
It has probably been asked before and it is definitely a
beginner's question, but any response it greatly appreciated.

I have a series of label boxes on a form and I need to set the caption
on each of them equal to a cell in the spreadsheet. I know how to do
this the long way:

label1.caption = cells(1,1)

but I was wondering if I could use a for loop and make this process a
little easier for the future... something like:

for i = 1 to 14
dim lbltest as object
set lbltest = "userform1.label" & i
lbltest.caption = cell(i +1,1)

any ideas?


I found some material on this subject from another newsgroup... Thanks

dim txtbx as control
set txtbx = userform.control("txtbxHZ_" & i)
with userform
for i = 1 to 10
sheets("name").Range("name") = txtbx.value
next i
end with

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