Underscores are fine for objects in Access.
(You may want to avoid them in class modules.)
There are many styles of naming convention.
A popular one uses 3-char prefixes:
Others use different systems, e.g.:
Some factors to consider:
- In some contexts, it can be hard to know whether a source is a table or
query if you use no naming convention.
- Use A-Z, 0-9, and underscore only, and don't use leading numbers. (This
avoids several issues where you would have to type square brackets around
- Object names are not case sensitive, but camel case may make it easier to
read. It's up to you whether DailyReport is faster to type than
- Consider what additional distinctions you want to make, e.g. a prefix to
distinguish local tables (that exist in the front end) from attached tables
(in the back end.)