Object Source / Control Source


Shakeel Ahmad


I have created a database regarding the School System.

I have created three forms (one form and two subforms)

one main form is (Students) where i enter student's name, father's name,
phone, address etc.

now on the main Student form i want to place a subform. But the thing i want
to know is:

I want to make two buttons on my main form (Fees) and (Progress).. because i
have two subforms (sbffees and sbfprogress)

now the record source of subformbox should be controled with these two
buttons. when i click the ( Fee) button the Source Object should be
and when i click the (Progress) button the Source object of the subform
should be (sbfProgress)

How can i do this..... and Advance thanks for the repliers because i am
sure, i will get from here what i need.

Best Regards

Shakeel Ahmad

(e-mail address removed)

John W. Vinson


I have created a database regarding the School System.

I have created three forms (one form and two subforms)

one main form is (Students) where i enter student's name, father's name,
phone, address etc.

now on the main Student form i want to place a subform. But the thing i want
to know is:

I want to make two buttons on my main form (Fees) and (Progress).. because i
have two subforms (sbffees and sbfprogress)

now the record source of subformbox should be controled with these two
buttons. when i click the ( Fee) button the Source Object should be
and when i click the (Progress) button the Source object of the subform
should be (sbfProgress)

I'd REALLY recommend using two Subforms. You can put them on two pages of a
Tab Control, and use the option in the tab control to use buttons rather than
tabs for the appearance. This will give the user interface view that you want.

Changing the SourceObject property of a subform is clunky and can degrade
performance, and runs into real problems if you have security enabled; every
user will need rights to change the design of the form (which you might not
want them to have lest they make other changes!)

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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