object variable or with block variable not set mean



What does object variable or with block variable not set
really mean?
I have the statement coded as thus:

This part declared in declarations:
Public ThsWrkBk As Workbook

This part executed in a Public Static procedure:
Dim ThsWrkBk
Set ThsWrkBk = ActiveWorkbook

This part executed in a Public procedure using
Public PostPymnt(ThsWrkBk, ShtNme)


Thanks Norman it worked

Norman Jones said:
Hi Rick,

It would be better if you were to post the actual code.

However, perhaps, try deleting:

and try changing:

Ben McBen

Yo are redifining ThsWrkBk with local scope, and this will take precedence
over the one you defined in your declarations. Dont (re)dim it in the proc.

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