Objects disappear when I move them



This problem has my company's IT department completely stumped. I'm running
Visio 2003 on Windows XP professional.

When I move an object or a group of objects in Visio 2003, the object
disappears and becomes an empty box during the duration of the move. When I
drop the object back onto the page in its new location, the object reappears.
I'm drawing some pretty complex wiring diagrams and often need to move
objects to align them. This disappearing act is really slowing me down. My
old computer (Win 2000)did not have this problem running Visio 2003.

Any suggestions?

Al Edlund

Vaguely remember a thread that said visio self adjusts based on it's
perception of the system it is running on (memory/processor/etc.), what's
your configuration?


Using a Compaq nc6220 Windows XP professional v2002 SP1, Intel Pentium
1.73GHz, 795 MHz, 1GB RAM, 40GB HD w/14GB free.
Pretty sure I have plenty of juice there.


Mark Nelson [MS]

There is a threshold of 25 shapes (including sub-shapes) for showing a
bitmap image of your selection while dragging. Above this threshold Visio
only shows a rectangular outline. You may be able to pause while dragging
and get the full image again. Also, there is a registry key to remove the
25 shape threshold. Set
'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application\DragBitmap' to "2".
The side effect is that you will encounter degraded performance as you drag
more complex shapes around.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Al Edlund

I can't seem to find that entry in 11.0. Is the hack unique to 12.0?


Thanks Mark, thats the closest I've come to fix so far.
The disappearing occurs even if I'm just moving one or two objects; like
just a square with text in it for example. Also, I know you have to pause if
you've selected a bunch of objects, I've tried pausing for over a minute with
no results. I'm wondering if this fix will apply to me. I'm going to give it
a try either way when I get back to the office.

Thanks again,


Mark Nelson [MS]

Al, as usual I posted a registry key that only works in an unreleased
version. :) If you change that 12 to an 11, you can use this for Visio
2003. I confirmed that this does indeed exist and work.

EnJay, I am less sure about Visio 2002. At a minimum you would need to swap
the 12 for a 10. I don't remember if Visio 2002 put its registry settings
under Microsoft/Office then or somewhere else. There is something else at
work if you see the problem with fewer than 25 shapes.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Don't know, but maybe this would help...

Right click on "My Computer" (on desktop or in Start menu) and select
Select the advanced tab on the "System Properties" dialog window
Click on "settings" in the "Performance" area -- this opens the "Performance
Options" dialog widow.
Make sure the "Show window contents while dragging" is checked ON.

To make my computer feel faster, I usually have all these off execpt for
that one, and the bottom button to use visual styles on windows and buttons.


I need to thank Mark Nelson for the fix. I went into my registry and found my
DragBitmap set to zero. I changed it to 2 and now it works just fine.


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