Obtain status of CREATETIMESHEET call?



I am mostly using the example code (with some modifications) from the
Project Server 2007 SDK. I can see how to monitor the status of the queue
for a timesheet update, or timesheet delete, but how about the status of
simply creating the timesheet?

I'm using this line to create the timesheet:


but don't see any way to obtain the JobUID as I can when doing a
QueueDeleteTimesheet command as below:

TimeSheetSvc.QueueDeleteTimesheet(jobuid, TsUID)

There doesn't seem to be a "QueueCreateTimeSheet" command similar to the
"QueueDeleteTimesheet" which would provide a JobUID that I can status on
later. Is there any way to capture in code the results of a CreateTimesheet
call from the queue?


Chris Boyd


The Create Timesheet method does not create a queue job, therefore there is
nothing to query the queue for. Only methods which start with "Queue" go
through the queue. These tend to be job that involve a lot of work for the
server which can be off loaded to a latter time.

Chris Boyd
MS Project
Program Manager

Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/project_programmability/



The Create Timesheet method does not create a queue job, therefore there
nothing to query the queue for. Only methods which start with "Queue" go
through the queue. These tend to be job that involve a lot of work for the
server which can be off loaded to a latter time.

Bummer. I'm getting errors in the queue related to creating a timesheet,
and was hoping to be able to catch them in code and at least figure out
which user was failing. Here's the error I get in the queue, which occurs
when I create certain timesheets...

Error summary/areas:
Error details:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<class name="Queue">
<error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed"
JobUID="4dfedc95-1029-4229-87e5-22a289827e66" ComputerName="XXXXXXXXXXX"
MessageType="ReportTimesheetSaveMessageEx" MessageId="1" Stage="" />


Chris Boyd said:
Have you taken a look at the ULS log?

Not seeing anything there. I just ran the code again, and the only thing
the ULS log shows is:

Timestamp Process TID Area
Category EventID Level Message Correlation
02/27/2008 10:51:07.12 wsstracing.exe (0x0734) 0x13AC ULS
Logging Unified Logging Service uls1 Monitorable
Tracing Service lost trace events. Current value 17.
02/27/2008 10:56:07.19 wsstracing.exe (0x0734) 0x13AC ULS
Logging Unified Logging Service uls1 Monitorable
Tracing Service lost trace events. Current value 17.


Have you taken a look at the ULS log?

I can't get the log to write anything yet, but I did get this out of the
event log. I will try to get the log file to generate something useful.

Standard Information:pSI Entry Point:
Project User: xxxxxxxx
Correlation Id: 56ccdb6f-e337-4bae-a92f-d2fc6006372f
PWA Site URL: http://xxxxxxxxx
SSP Name: SharedServices2
PSError: GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000)
A queue job has failed. This is a general error logged by the Project Server
Queue everytime a job fails - for effective troubleshooting use this error
message with other more specific error messages (if any), the Operations
guide (which documents more details about queued jobs) and the trace log
(which could provide more detailed context). More information about the
failed job follows. GUID of the failed job:
f638d814-1e10-45a2-9a53-5daa54b9df1b. Name of the computer that processed
this job: xxxxxx (to debug further, you need to look at the trace log from
this computer). Failed job type: ReportingTimesheetSave. Failed sub-job
type: ReportTimesheetSaveMessageEx. Failed sub-job ID: 1. Stage where
sub-job failed: (this is useful when one sub-job has more than one logical
processing stages).

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


What did work was to go into the PWA Queue Settings and increase the retry
interval and and number of threads allocated to Timesheet processing. In
the past it always worked fine with the defaults, not sure why it had to get
bumped up now.

I was able to run my timesheet delete/create routine twice in a row with no
errors once I did this. It would still be nice to be able to capture the
status of the queue on a timesheet create so that I could handle failures if
they occur again, but at least it's running all the way through now with no

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