Thank you for your timly reply:
What you say below will give me all the members for that Insurance Type.
But, of course I have a date peramiters in my qorginal query.
I created the totals query and added it to the reports record source (by
adding it to the original query that created the report, joined by Insurance
The count reflects all the members for that insurance type in the database
with no regard to the date peramiters. I tried adding date peramiters to the
totals query and received the error "that could refer to more than one table".
So Close, any suggestions?
Duane Hookom said:
Did you try to create a totals query that Groups by InsuranceType and counts
Members? Then add this query to your report's record source and join the
InsuranceType fields. You should then be able to add the CountOfMembers field
to your report.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
I see what your talking about and it helped - but that's not really the issue.
My issue is within the report and I don't need to eliminate dups.
I did try your suggestion with a seperate query Grouped and Counted, then I
linked that to the query that the report was made from, I get an error when I
try to Sum or Count the Members.
There must be a simple way to perform this in the report?
I have two veriables "Member" and "InsuranceType".
The report groups by InsuranceType (InsuranceType Header) but I need to
count the members per Insurance type grouping.
I tried sort/group by Insurancetype with a "=Count(1) in Insurance Type Footer
I tried "=Count([Member])"
and about 1000 other ways.
I cannot see what I'm missing...
There are a couple methods. I suggest you create a totals query that groups
by some field and totals exactly the amount you want to display in the
footer. Add this query to your report's record source and join the
appropriate fields if necessary. Then add your total field to the query grid
so that it is available in the report.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
I have a report that works off a query where the information is pulled from
a main form and a sub form. The report works well except I get dups in one
field which is not a problem because I change the Hide Duplicates property to
yes and they are going. However, the total at the bottom still includes the
duplicates I am hiding. Is there a way to keep the dups hidden and also their
numbers so the total at the bottom only adds the visible numbers?