
I have installed Textbridge to be invoked by Canosacn, the bundled
software with my LiDE 25 scanner. After recognising the text it loads
Word 2003 automatically.

When I scan two columns of newsprint Word 2003 ignores the separate
columns although the two columns are indicated by soft carriage
returns. If I switch to two columns in Word 2003 the second column is
completely lost.

I understand that Word 1997 accepts the text as two separate columns.
Can I achieve this in Word 2003?


Graham Mayor

This is a function of the scanner OCR software and its (in)ability to
produce an accurate representation of the document. Unless things have
improved dramatically in recent versions, Textbridge makes a dog's breakfast
of the formatting and is probably best used to scan to plain text. You can
then format the document yourself more simply than try to deal with what
Textbridge throws at you.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


This is a function of the scanner OCR software and its (in)ability to
produce an accurate representation of the document. Unless things have
improved dramatically in recent versions, Textbridge makes a dog's breakfast
of the formatting and is probably best used to scan to plain text. You can
then format the document yourself more simply than try to deal with what
Textbridge throws at you.

Now solved. The thing is to highlight the two columns by dragging
over each one separately. When I dragged over the two together it
treated then as a single column.


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