Did you ever get a solution for this? We are having the same problem with
the shortcuts.
Hi Bob
Yes, it would be great if you can answe my questions, we have poured many
hours into testing the OCT. Here's a few of the issues we are having which I
haven't received a reply to:
We have set up an MSP file using the OCT tool. When a user runs Outlook for
the first time they are confronted with 3 messages (I wish you could paste
The first has the heading "Welcome to the 2007 Microsoft Office System" -
"Privacy Options". There are 3 tick boxes here and the first, "Get online
Help" is ticked by default. We want to change this default and not have the
message come up.
The second has the heading "Microsoft Office Outlook" and says
Windows Desktop Search is not currently installed or not up to date. Outlook
will not be able to provide fast search results when using the new Instant
Search functionality unless this Windows component is installed. Please
contact your administrator." There is a tick box to "Do not show this
message again". We would like it to not show this message at all. A note
to this, using OCT we have set "Prevent installation prompts when Windows
Desktop Search component is not present" to "Enabled" under "Features -
Modify user settings - Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 - Tools | Options... -
Preferences - Search Options".
The third also has the heading "Microsoft Office Outlook" and says
"Outlook, Windows Explorer, and other applications save lists of RSS Feeds
that you subscribe to. The Common Feed List in Microsoft Windows maintains
one synchronised list of RSS Feeds. Do you want your RSS Feeds in Outlook to
be synchronized with the Common Feed List?" The default is "Yes". We would
like to have it not come up with this one too and just set the "Sync RSS
Feeds to the Common Feed List" option in "Tools - Options - Other - Advanced
Options..." to ticked. This option is not available in the OCT.
Anyone have any ideas how we can achieve these things?
When we rolled out Office 2003 using a transform file created with the Custom
Installation Wizard we were able to add shortcuts for users to the Quick
Launch toolbar, so all users have a Word and Excel shortcut there as well as
the one that gets put there on the first run of Outlook without being asked
on the first time run.
We are setting up the rollout of Office 2007 and have used OCT to configure
to our liking. The "Setup" and "Features" sections work very nicely. We had
a lot of trouble with the "Outlook" section and in the end went with the
default settings for Outlook as it definitely doesn't work as it's meant to.
The "Configure shortcuts" under "Additional content" doesn't work properly.
You can add shortcuts for Excel and Word like this
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - [AppDataFolder]\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Quick Launch - Yes
but they don't install for the user, it quite happily takes out the ones
that were there before but doesn't put in new ones.
Any ideas on how we fix this issue? The users will not be happy to loose
their shortcuts!
Hi Garth,
The OCT is built into the Setup.exe of the Office 2007 apps and works with files in the \Admin folder that are included in the
Enterprise licensed versions. It's not available for non Enterprise/Volume license Office 2007 products.
What specific issues are you seeing problems in using it?
What version of Windows and Office 2007 edition are you using an Office 2007 volume license key?
They will probably have to make it available for download as it's pretty buggy in it's current state, if they don't supply an update
there are going to be a lot of disgruntled sysadmins<<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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