here is the code that is failing. It works for me but not for my users. They
get a generic 'ODBC call failed' message. They are all set up with the driver
and system dsn and this used to work for them but it now fails. Is there any
way to modify the code to get a more specific ODBC message? Anyone got any
Dim ws As Workspace
Dim cn As Connection
Dim rstODBC As Recordset, rstODBC2 As Recordset
Dim strConnection As String
strConnection = "ODBC;DSN=PMMIS AZ Production;DATABASE=PMMIS AZ
Set ws = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set cn = ws.OpenConnection("", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, strConnection)
get a generic 'ODBC call failed' message. They are all set up with the driver
and system dsn and this used to work for them but it now fails. Is there any
way to modify the code to get a more specific ODBC message? Anyone got any
Dim ws As Workspace
Dim cn As Connection
Dim rstODBC As Recordset, rstODBC2 As Recordset
Dim strConnection As String
strConnection = "ODBC;DSN=PMMIS AZ Production;DATABASE=PMMIS AZ
Set ws = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set cn = ws.OpenConnection("", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, strConnection)