ODBC error on multiple update Access 2000 to SQL 2000


Ian Bayly

I have a very simple piece of ADO code updating a SQL
table from Access.
Under some circumstances I need run the code twice,
consectively, with different data.
I get an ODBC Call failed (-2147467259)on the second
I've put a delay (approx 500 msecs) between each
repetition of code, and no error. Less than 500 ms, back
comes the error.
Here is some common code I use to open RS

Set myCn = CurrentProject.Connection
myCn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Set MakeRS = New ADODB.Recordset
MakeRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
MakeRS.LockType = adLockPessimistic
MakeRS.Open sSQL, myCn, , adCmdTable

Any ideas appreciated - in 2003 I shouldn't need timing
loops in code!

Ian Bayly

Ian Bayly

Easy fix
I had a compoundkey including Now()
The now() was returning same date/time on second pass.

Ian B

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