Felipe said:
Hi Dave!! Thanks for the ctrl+shit+enter tip.
But is there an explanation to work in some cells
and others don't with enter only?
You understand now that your original SUM(IF(...)) should have been entered
as an array formula; that is, committed with ctrl+shift+Enter instead of
just Enter.
But to explain the non-array formula (mis)behavior....
You wrote previously:
-Fill E3 with 01/11/2009 or any other date
Not just any date. To get exactly the results you saw, it must be 1 Nov
-Fill E6:E19 with this formula:
What I get:
-In E6 and E19 the result is #Value!
-In E18 the result is 0
-In E7:E17 the result is the correct sum (the expected behavior).
Not really the "correct" (intended) sum. To see the difference clearly,
fill D7

18 with 1 through 12.
You can get some insight into what is happening if you use the feature Tools
Formula Auditing > Evaluate Formula to step through the evaluation of E7
and E8, for example.
Ostensibly, C7:C18 represents an array of dates. But since you entered a
non-array formula, Excel tries to choose an "appropriate" element from the
What's "appropriate"?
If the location of the formula is parallel to (in this case, in the same row
as) one of the cells in the range C7:C18, Excel chooses the corresponding
value from the range. For the formula in E7, Excel chooses the value in C7;
for the formula in E8, Excel chooses C8; for the formula in E18, Excel
chooses the value in C18.
Since the dates in C7 through C17 are less than or equal to the date in E3,
the IF() condition in E7:E17 is true, and Excel evaluates SUM(D7

Since the date in C18 is greater than the date in E3, the iF() condition in
E18 is false, and Excel evaluates SUM(0).
However, the formulas in E6 and E19 are not parallel to any cell in the
range C7:C18. Consequently, Excel returns a #VALUE error, meaning: there
is no corresponding value.
The behavior of the array formula is very different, as is its result. You
can clearly see this behavior step-by-step by using Evaluate Formula. The
behavior is effectively:
sum({if(C7<=E3,D7,0), if(C8<=E3,D8,0),...., if(C18<=E3,D18,0)})
So, effectively we get SUM(D7

17,0), which is different from SUM(D7

PS.... We make use of the non-array interpretation when we use named
ranges. For example, suppose the name oldCost is the range A1:A100, and the
name newCost is the range B1:B100. If we enter the formula =newCost-oldCost
into C1:C100, we expect C1 to be evaluated as =B1-A1, C2 to be =B2-A2, etc.
FYI, we could just as easily have entered the formula =B1:B100-A1:A100 into
But if you had intended the non-array interpretation of your original
formula (which, of course, you did not), it would been clearer to write and
copy down the following non-array formula (commit with Enter as usual, not
=IF($C$7:$C$18<=$E$3, SUM($D$7:$D$18), 0)
----- original message -----
The formula that worked ok was correctly array entered. The failing
formula was
Hi Dave!! Thanks for the ctrl+shit+enter tip. I never heard about it
although i'm not a excel guru!
But is there an explanation to work in some cells and others don't
with enter only?
Thank a lot!
Best Regards,