Odd form behaviour


Jonathan Crawford


I have system which has been around for years and is now in 2000
but began in 97

The systemm is quite large in terms of forms, queries etc (Over 100
tables,1000+ queries)

There are four or so key forms which are quite complex.
When I edit the code behind them (adding one line of code for instance)
They change and take 20 or so seconds to open in designe or form view,
freezing the
system resources at the same time. Normally they would open instantly

I have tried copying the controls and code into a new form but this behaves
in the same way

I found that if I copied the form into a blank db and modifed the code and
it back, tghe forms opened normally. However if I copied the queries and
table links in
to the new db then it the forms take ages to open after editing

This is really odd and has me flumoxed.



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