Odd issue, Word 2008 question



I have two questions, both related to Office 2008 for Mac. I'll start
with the simple one first. I'm using the Home/Office version on a core
duo iMac (2.0 GHz) with 2 GB of RAM. My preferences simply won't
stick. I need to keep the smart quotes off. I've changed it a million
times and it changes back. I've deleted the plist and nothing seems to
help. There is no pattern to when it changes. It might stick for a
couple of days. Sometimes, it won't stick for 10 minutes.

My other question is much stranger. On this same computer, I had
Office 2004 before I upgraded to the new version. Of course, when I
installed 2008, I uninstalled 2004 first using the Remove Office tool.
BUT ... Periodically, the 2004 Office folder (with all the apps)
appears in my trash. I can empty trash, secure empty trash, whatever,
but that never gets rid of it. I pulled it back out of the trash and
used the Remove Office tool again. Removed. I'll spotlight for it and
it's not found. But 10 minutes later, boom, there it is in my trash.

Now, here is a tip that may somehow be related. When I was using 2004,
I had been using Entourage for a while. I decided to switch to Mail
and iCal, so I uninstalled Entourage only. Office 2004 worked fine in
that state, but this problem has existed since I put 2008 on the

Any thoughts? Thanks so much, folks.


Hi Kevin;

What specific version of OS X?

If #1 were you're only problem I'd suggest that you look for a 3rd-party
application or add-in that might be preventing the prefs changes from being
written to the file. However, issue #2 suggest that the problems might be
related... Office isn't "magical" enough to resurrect itself once deleted. I
think your problem may be a file system issue.

Back up any important files. Start up from your OS X source disk & run Disk
Utility - Repair Disk to see what it finds. If you have Disk Warrior you may
prefer to use that instead.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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