% of allocation




I have added a task from 1-Feb to 1-Apr. Initially I allocated 100% of a
resource for the task. Later I changed the allocation to 25%. After changing
the %, the end date automatically changed.

Is there aby ways to change the % of allocation without changing the start
date and end date?


Steve House

As Mike said, but wait a sec. Reducing a resource from 100% to 25% means
he's working slower. 25% means that it takes hium 4 hours of duration time
to achieve 1 man-hour of useful FTE work, thus for every hour he works he
only completes one quarter of the amount of deliverable he was doing before.
If the task is to create 100 widgets, at 25% it will take him four times as
long as it would if he was working 100%. So before you make the task fixed
duration and edit the allocation, ask yourself if it should not really
change the the end date after all to reflect it now takes him 4 times as
long to get the same amount of work accomplished.

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