RagDyeR, thanks for the prompt reply, but unfortunately it did not work, is this for Excel?
I have not seen a function quite like this in any excel spreadsheets. Of course I am no programmer tho.
RE: =IF(ISNA(LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,D1
This is another one in the same spreadsheet, does not have enough functions to complete my task at hand. What I am working on is a spreadsheet that keeps track of my hours driven and hours off duty for up to a total of 8 days, and if during any of the 8 days I show having taken off more than 33 hrs, I regain my 70 hrs available to drive for that week.
Okay, say day 8 is the current date, it goes back from the current date only as far back as day 1. IF ... during any of the 8 days I show having taken more than 33 hrs off on day 5, then it only counts the hours from day five to day 8 and subtracts from 70 giving my total hours left for that week.
Im not asking for anyone to create the formula, I already have this formula that works, here's what Im looking for, is there something that I can do to shorten it to get the same result so that I may add to this formula. I wonder why Microsoft only allowed for 7 functions, why not 10 or Infinite?
Anyhow .. Thanks for any help on this matter.
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RagDyeR, thanks for the prompt reply, but unfortunately it did not work, is this for Excel?
I have not seen a function quite like this in any excel spreadsheets. Of course I am no programmer tho.
RE: =IF(ISNA(LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,D1
This is another one in the same spreadsheet, does not have enough functions to complete my task at hand. What I am working on is a spreadsheet that keeps track of my hours driven and hours off duty for up to a total of 8 days, and if during any of the 8 days I show having taken off more than 33 hrs, I regain my 70 hrs available to drive for that week.
Okay, say day 8 is the current date, it goes back from the current date only as far back as day 1. IF ... during any of the 8 days I show having taken more than 33 hrs off on day 5, then it only counts the hours from day five to day 8 and subtracts from 70 giving my total hours left for that week.
Im not asking for anyone to create the formula, I already have this formula that works, here's what Im looking for, is there something that I can do to shorten it to get the same result so that I may add to this formula. I wonder why Microsoft only allowed for 7 functions, why not 10 or Infinite?
Anyhow .. Thanks for any help on this matter.
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