Of2000 on W/xp - lots of problems!



The most popular question on this board: "... bought new computer with xp, want to run existing office 2000. "
Most popular glib answer: "no problem".

Yet, reading through all the threads on this, LOTS of people are having problems, from unaccepted install CD's, unaccepted reg codes, disabled after win xp critical updates, etc. And there aren't any real solutions (I don't consider trying to call Microsoft on the phone a "solution", only another big hurdle). I couldn't buy a new computer without XP. I can't afford to buy a new version of Office. So Microsoft, you've shoved this xp on me, and now I can't do my work without spending more money. That was your master plan, wasn't it?



1.) Micorsoft generally doesn't monitor these newsgroups, they are peer to
peer newsgroups; you wasted your rant.

2.) Folks are not being "glib" by responding that Office 2000 runs fine on
Windows Xp. There are probably hundreds of thousands of similar installs,
and I personally have created / used that configuration numerous times
without major issue both for myself and for clients. There's nothing
"glib" about discussing practical experience.

3.) There are problems that occur from time to time with installs of Office
97, 2K, Xp etc. on machines regardless of OS, dependent on what else the
person has installed, the order of install, running antivirus software while
installing etc. etc. If you've got a specific problem then post it and the
very kind folks that troll this newsgroup (and who provide their time here
for free,) will try to help you, otherwise your diatribe is simply a waste
of our time reading your post.

4.) Last, but not least, Microsoft did not shove Xp on you. If you want
Win2K or WinMe or 98 for that matter then: a.) I still believe you can buy
Win2K from MS and you might even be able to get a free downgrade from your
OEM if you call their tech support (Dell for one still offers PCs
preconfigured with Win2K as an option; primariliy for corporate buyers.)
b.)Run out to eBay and many other auction sites and you can find any other
OS very easily and pretty cheaply. c.) If you really wanted something else
then why didn't you buy a MAC box or a get a copy of Linux (choose your
flavor) and try one of the office suites such as Star Office or WP for Linux
etc that run on that platform. No one makes you do anything. You chose
what you bought.

Steve Arbaugh
MS Access MVP

slswyoming said:
The most popular question on this board: "... bought new computer with
xp, want to run existing office 2000. "
Most popular glib answer: "no problem".

Yet, reading through all the threads on this, LOTS of people are having
problems, from unaccepted install CD's, unaccepted reg codes, disabled after
win xp critical updates, etc. And there aren't any real solutions (I don't
consider trying to call Microsoft on the phone a "solution", only another
big hurdle). I couldn't buy a new computer without XP. I can't afford to
buy a new version of Office. So Microsoft, you've shoved this xp on me, and
now I can't do my work without spending more money. That was your master
plan, wasn't it?

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