When clicking on an office document on my desktop to open
it, the corresponding application launches - be it Word/97
or Excel/97. I always get these errors:
In Word/97 I invariably get the
error "C:\...\[filename.doc] is being used by Jim. Do
you want to make a copy?" I click cancel and proceed
In Excel/97 I get what I think is a functionally
equivalent message: "A document with the name [filename]
is already open. You cannot open two documents with the
same filename, even if the documents are in different
folders. To open the second document, either close the
document that's already open, or rename one of the
Again, I click and proceed normally. Any way to stop this
it, the corresponding application launches - be it Word/97
or Excel/97. I always get these errors:
In Word/97 I invariably get the
error "C:\...\[filename.doc] is being used by Jim. Do
you want to make a copy?" I click cancel and proceed
In Excel/97 I get what I think is a functionally
equivalent message: "A document with the name [filename]
is already open. You cannot open two documents with the
same filename, even if the documents are in different
folders. To open the second document, either close the
document that's already open, or rename one of the
Again, I click and proceed normally. Any way to stop this