Off Sys 2003 Beta 2 Tech Ref



I upgraded to the Microsoft Office System Beta 2
Technical Refresh and now can't access my Business
Contacts. I first got the mesage that the file was
corrupt and then Outlook wouldn't see it at all. Any


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

The B2TR will not read information from the original beta as the file
formats have changed.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

Having searched the archives, Duncan <[email protected]> asked

| I upgraded to the Microsoft Office System Beta 2
| Technical Refresh and now can't access my Business
| Contacts. I first got the mesage that the file was
| corrupt and then Outlook wouldn't see it at all. Any
| ideas?
| Duncan

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