OFF TOPIC -Is Ann Coulter a Terrorist? -or is it EVERYBODY's Business?



"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York
Times Building."

- Ann Coulter

In her most recent Human Events column titled 'This Is Why We Don't
Trust Democrats With National Security', Ann Coulter exposes the real
truth about 911. The fact is, dimwits like Ann Coulter, who are neither

Democrat nor Republican [they are what you call IDEOLOGUES] have
hijacked American foreign policy and they think they can
singlehandedly defeat terrorists.

Osama Bin Laden is winning the game. Pre-911, Ann Coulter's pal,
Barbara Olson routinely hogged airtime to talk about Clinton, Lewinsky
and Chandra Levy. Their public laundry list did not expose the secret
war against terrorism because they wanted to capture all the glory the
way they handed it to Reagan when the hostages were released. But their

little, September Surprise went up in smoke -with Barbara Olson.
Guess the National Security interests took a back seat to Coulter's
obsession, and that's why we have 911 widows.

I think Ann Coulter and her cohorts ought to be investigated
for the strange deaths of JFK Jr., Paul Wellstone and Mel Carnahan,
because Ann Coulter said, "liberals are always against America.
They are either traitors or idiots, and on the matter of America's
self-preservation, the difference is irrelevant." Were all these
"traitors" murdered, to preserve America?

Despite a total lack of credibility, it's amazing that main stream
media outlets give her the platforms that they do. While there are
kooks on the left and right, there is no left-wing equivalent to
the hate-filled, bat-shit loony lying quasi-fascist stuff that
Coulter peddles that gets put on all the major networks to sell
books and ofter analysis. And no, Pelosi, Michael Moore, etc.,
aren't close (for example, neither has "joked" recently about
murdering Justice Stevens and Jack Murtha).

Maybe she's doing a schtick to get money (although she seems like she
wants to be taken seriously, except when she's forced to say "it was
just a joke"); if so, that still seems a shameful way to make a buck.
It's also possible that she is legit insane, or a true fascist.

But the fact that the media keeps treating her like she's someone to
take seriously is the real shame here, and it is indeed another piece
of evidence that the media isn't really "liberal." Coulter is at best
a bitchy troll, and as all us internet folks know, the real suckers are

those who respond to trolls. Hence, the media are at best suckers.

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