Off2003 SP1 "invalidates" if-fields


Geert Diddens

Hi all,

We're have a rather strange problem with Off2003 DUTCH
Service Pack 1 (the SP is important).
Are mail merge document contains following code :
{ IF { MERGEFIELD M_68} = "Ongehuwd" "ongehuwd" "{IF
{MERGEFIELD M_68} = "Gesch*" "echtgescheiden van
M_68} = "Wed*" "{MERGEFIELD M_471 } van {MERGEFIELD M_142}
= "mannelijk" "echtgenoot van" "echtgenote van" }
{MERGEFIELD M_142} {MERGEFIELD M_140}, woonachtig te
{MERGEFIELD M_144}" }" }" }

The problem is that of we select this code, and we
rightclick + Veld bijwerken (fields update), word "messes
up" the code, step-by-step with every after a
few times you get this:
{ IF { MERGEFIELD M_68} = "Ongehuwd" "ongehuwd" "Fout!
Testvoorwaarde ontbreekt.Fout! Testvoorwaarde
ontbreekt.Fout! Testvoorwaarde ontbreekt.Fout!
Testvoorwaarde ontbreekt.Fout! Testvoorwaarde
ontbreekt.Fout! Testvoorwaarde ontbreekt. "{ IF
{MERGEFIELD M_68} = "Wed*" "{MERGEFIELD M_471 } van
M_67} = "mannelijk" "echtgenoot van" "echtgenote van" }
{MERGEFIELD M_142} {MERGEFIELD M_140}, woonachtig te

Of course, if we merge this, the merge fails with an
error "veldberekeningsfout" (Field calculation error ?).

This problem started after we installed SP1, it workes
just fine on Office 2003 (and Off2000 / XP, including

Anyone any ideas, or is this a known issue ????

Thanx in advance
Geert Diddens ([email protected])

Peter Jamieson

Hello again Geert,

I did try replicating this as closely as I could on the English version of
Off2003 & Off2003 SP1 (I can't go back from SP1 now!) but there was no
problem. However, as usual, my test was very simple, using a small Word
format data source with just the M_ fields you are using and only a few

I don't have the Dutch version so can't try that. Do you have any other
evidence that suggests that this problem could be confined to the Dutch

If you are in a position to send me a document and test data source that
fail on your system I can try it here (probably not before Thursday) on Word
2003 SP1 English if you want - de-spam my email address first. Otherwise if
you are sure the problem is not caused by document corruption of some kind,
I would consider contacting Microsoft directly.

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