Office 03 won't update


Paul B.

My apologies for starting a new thread on this. Google suddenly will
not allow me to reply using my spamtrap address, only to post new
threads. Now to the reply:

How can anyone guess what your problem is when you don't even post the
error message(s) that you get?

Ok, here it is. The sum total of Microsoft's error messages is - and
I'm being generous with words - "Update failed."


Paul B. said:
My apologies for starting a new thread on this. Google suddenly will
not allow me to reply using my spamtrap address, only to post new
threads. Now to the reply:

Ok, here it is. The sum total of Microsoft's error messages is - and
I'm being generous with words - "Update failed."

There should be some code like 0x12345678 somewhere too. Google for
that code.

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