office 07 error/problem... its a hard one



ok so i have office word 07 and am having the absaloute worst time with it...
here is what happened
i got a new comp w/ vista on it... really good specs 3gb ram high processing
power so that can not be the problem. i went to some random store nearby i
think it was target, but i bought word 07. so i installed it on this comp
and for about a week everything was fine and i was loving it however just
recently i have been cursed with something that seems to undocumented because
i can't find another person w/ this error anywhere.

so the problem is that i can not click on the document. now this may seem
confusing so let me explain... you know when you open up word and you see a
virtual page? well i can type on it annd use the keyboard to type but i can
not click anywhere on it. also when i try to go into word options i can not
go to other pages becausei can not click on them... the ribbon thing
registers my clicks however... i think this is due to a recent update but am
not really sure....i have tried uninstalling and then re-installing but
nothing makes i twork again... and i refuse to system restore because last
time i tried that i lost nearly everything on my comp and am not going
through that again...

Tony Jollans

Have you Activated Word? (Office button > Word Options > Resources >

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