Office 10.1.5 corrupt? (MacOS X 10.3.1)


Jon Fullmer

I'm running Office 10.1.5 on a Titanium Powerbook G4
running MacOS X 10.3.1. It's been running fine for a
while. I use Entourage to connect to our Exchange 2003
server. Here's the really really short version of what

Entourage froze (spinning pinwheel). I forced quit the
app. When I tried to bring it up again, it told me it
needed to rebuild the database. When I told it to do this,
it told me that it couldn't access it (error -50) (sorry,
I didn't keep the full text of the error).

Struggled with this for a long time. Finally removed
Office by removing: /Applications/Microsoft Office X,
~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft (and any plist files), and
~/Documents/Microsoft User Data. Reinstalled Office v.X
10.1. Brought up Entourage fine. Patched to 10.1.2.
Brought up Entourage fine. Patched to 10.1.4. Brought up
Entourage fine (with original database, too). Patched to
10.1.5. Entourage failed with original error. Discovered
that the upgrade somehow corrupted
the /Applications/Microsoft Office
X/Office/ShMem.bundle "file". Long story short, tried
another "clean install" of office, redownloaded 10.1.5,
patched 10.1.2, 10.1.4, and 10.1.5, and it worked. Or so
I thought...

Entourage works fine now, but the other apps are all
broken. Word gives me "There is not enogh memory or disk
space to run Word." Excel gives me "Cannot use object
linking and embedding" but comes up anyway. PowerPoint
gives me "PowerPoint cannot launch. Please try turning on
Virtual Memory from the Memory Control Panel or quitting
other applications" (and, of course, aside from the
Finder, it's the only application running).

To me, this means that there is some file somewhere that
got corrupted by the first incident (Entourage) that was
not removed when I attempted to clean install. I have run
Disk Utility to repair permissions. No change.

Does anyone have ANY ideas? There's an install log for
the patches, but is there an install log for Office?

- Jon

Barry N. Wainwright

To me, this means that there is some file somewhere that
got corrupted by the first incident (Entourage) that was
not removed when I attempted to clean install. I have run
Disk Utility to repair permissions. No change.

Does anyone have ANY ideas? There's an install log for
the patches, but is there an install log for Office?

First step is to create a new user in OS X, then start up entourage as that
new user.

Does everything work here? If so, the problem lies in the MUD folder of the
original user. If not, the problem lies in the application files and/or
preference files.

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Seen the Entourage FAQ pages? - Check them out:

Please post responses to this newsgroup. If I ask you to contact me
off-list, remove '.INVALID' from email address before replying.

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