Office 2000 Installation Problem



I'm running into several problems with Office 2000, which isn't fixed by
uninstalling and reinstalling the program.

In Outlook, when I try to go to the add-in manager, it crashes.

In Access, when I double click on any wizard to create a new form, report,
query, etc., the program does nothing. The wizard does not pop-up.

If I copy a cell from Excel and paste it into Word, Excel crashes.

Is there a fix for this? If I uninstall and then reinstall all of the old
settings are still there as well as the old problems.


Sorry. Windows 2000

Peter Foldes said:
Windows Version is ????


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Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

Peter Foldes


It has been a long time but if I remember correctly if you put in the 1st CD and let it start it will give you the option to repair the installation. Have you tried this yet?

Earle Horton

There are a number of service packs for both Windows 2000 and Office 2000.
If you install them in a certain order things will be sad. I do not
remember seeing a Knowledge Base article on this subject. I recommend
installing Windows 2000, then all service packs and updates, then Office
2000, finally all Office 2000 service packs and updates. That "should" get
things running normally.


Thanks everyone.

1. Windows 2000 is completely patched, with all service packs installed.
2. I can't seem to find the all of the correct service packs for Office
2000. The problematic computer is not attached to the internet so I have to
download things and then copy them over to that machine.

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