Office 2000 & Office 2007


Kevan McArthur

Just got a new laptop with windows 7. Had purchased office 2000 for my old
pc, can I updgrade to Office 2007 or do I have to buy it all over again. Is
so how ?


Kevan McArthur said:
Just got a new laptop with windows 7. Had purchased office 2000 for my old
pc, can I updgrade to Office 2007 or do I have to buy it all over again.
so how ?

You can upgrade to any upgrade edition of Office 2007. You will need the
installation disc for Office 2000 or any other qualifying product. Or, you
will need to have a qualifying installed on your new computer (pre-installed
OEM will be accepted}.


If your new computer comes with a pre-installed Office 2007 trial, you must
first uninstall the trial and any activation agent before installing Office
2007 upgrade.



Kevan McArthur said:
Just got a new laptop with windows 7. Had purchased office 2000 for my old
pc, can I updgrade to Office 2007 or do I have to buy it all over again.
so how ?

See my reply on the Win 7 forum nearly TWO hours ago....

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