When I click Start/New Office Document and select Blank Document from the
Office screen, I get, "The program associated with the selected template
cannot be started, or the program cannot use the selected template." What
does this mean?? Earlier, I tried selecting
Start/Programs/Microsoft/Office/Word and I got, "This file does not have a
program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association
in the Folder Options control Panel." There is no capability in the Folder
Options control Panel INSIDE Word for me to do this. Really new to
computers...this is horrific. Please help me! I can select a document and
it opens, but I don't understand how or what has happened.
Office screen, I get, "The program associated with the selected template
cannot be started, or the program cannot use the selected template." What
does this mean?? Earlier, I tried selecting
Start/Programs/Microsoft/Office/Word and I got, "This file does not have a
program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association
in the Folder Options control Panel." There is no capability in the Folder
Options control Panel INSIDE Word for me to do this. Really new to
computers...this is horrific. Please help me! I can select a document and
it opens, but I don't understand how or what has happened.