Office 2000 vs. Office 2003



I work for a company that has over 5000 employees and 90% of them are running Office 2000 and of course 10% of them are running Office 2003. I was wonder if there are any problems with Office 2003 reading files from Office 2000 or vice-a-versa? Please HELP!

Nehmo Sergheyev

- ITWendy -
- Cerridwen -
Office 2003 can, being the latest version, read files from all previous
versions. Office 2000 cannot read 2003 files /unless/ they are saved as

- Nehmo -
I don't think it's that bad. There may be some things produced by O 2003
that aren't readable in O 2000, but by and large a document will open.

But really, any problem would be solved if everybody upgraded. They'd
get other benifits as well. It sounds like the company should be able to
afford it.

It disturbs me to see large companies using ancient software or


Cerridwen said:
Erm, no, they won't.

Word and Excel 2000, 2002 (XP) and 2003 can open files created and
saved in any of these versions. If you've used a formatting feature
that is from a newer version, such a diagonal table or cell borders,
and open that file in an older version that does not have that
feature, the new feature will not be displayed and, if you save the
file in the older version, the feature will be lost from the file.
Other than that, Word and Excel share files between versions just

Access is another matter. The Access file format changed between all
three versions. You must always save the database in the oldest

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