Office 2000 will not go away! :-)


Ken Springer

I had Office 2000 Pro installed on my computer. I eventually upgraded the
Outlook component to Outlook 2007. To my dismay, my computer just didn't
have the power and speed to handle Outlook 2007.

So I opted to purchase Office 2003 Pro, and tried to installed it keeping
the Office 2000 Pro install. I did this by not using the default program
files folder. It did not work out as well as I had hoped, so eventually I
removed 2003. Then I reinstalled 2003 and had the 2003 install routine
remove all other versions of Office.

But 2000 just doesn't want to go away! LOL I first discovered this when
trying a new web page design program. When the new program starts, dialogue
boxes come up asking me to insert the Office 2000 SR 1 CD. And now, starting
IE 8, I got the same dialogue boxes.

So, my thought is something somewhere didn't get removed and/or changed. I
think, but I don't know for sure, that these unknown items or settings is
causing issues when on the internet. I now get numberous time outs, page not
found, and connection errors when on the Internet. This happens with 3
different browsers.

Anyone have any idea how to fix this mess?


Peter Foldes


You did not tell us which OS you are using .First thing you do is to remove the IE8
Beta and then reboot. It should bring you back to IE6 or IE7 depending on your OS.
After the IE Beta removal tell us what are the issues that are concerning Office

Telling you now as to what to do is hard since you have a Beta and especially IE
installed. Again. Remove it first


The 2000 version may have included components that were not included in 2003
version, therefore any upgrade would have left these intact.
Are you able to uninstall 2000 in add/remove dialogue?
PS Office 2003 installs to a version specific folder by default, as does

Your other problems are unlikely to be connected to Office. I'd start by
running the system file checker and looking at your Event Viewer for err's

Ken Springer

Hi, Peter,

I'm sincerely sorry I forgot to tell you which OS. I'm smart enough to know
better! LOL

It's XP Home, and I've always had automatic updates turned on.

It may or may not be related to this problem, but I've got an automatic
update for the PowerPoint Viewer for 2003 that either will not install, or it
doesn't stay registered that it is installed. The routine always says the
installation is successful, but at the next boot up it's back. Also, when I
run Office Update for 2003, 4 security updates for Office 2000 show up. And
they will not install either.

I installed IE 8 out of frustration when one day I tried launching IE 7, and
nada. Not even so much as a "gee we're sorry, but IE 7 is broken". :)
I've run into this issue once before, over a year ago on a different
computer. I managed, with help from our IT office, to fix it, but I don't
remember what we did.

I'm writing this post using IE 8. When I'm done here, I'll uninstall IE 8
and see if IE 7 works. If it does, I'll stick with IE 7, but if it doesn't
work, I'll reinstall IE 8 beta and let you know here how things turned out.

FYI, I never use IE for anything but accessing MS sites like this, and
manual updates. I don't have DSL or cable modem, not available here, and IE
is miserably slow when compared to a couple of the other browsers. So the
faster something perform in the computer, the less time I spend waiting. LOL



Ken Springer

Hi, DL.

I do know the 2000 Pro version had programs that are not included in the
2003 Pro does not include. FrontPage is one example that I can think of.

I no longer have the 2000 CD to try the add/remove feature of the setup

AS for leaving behind things, if the routine asks if you want to remove
*ALL* previous Office versaions, there should be nothing left behind. That's
the definition of the word "all", and MS should be accountable for letting
new purchasers that only parts of previous versions will be removed.

I don't know about all the folders the installation routine uses, but you
are able to install the files to a folder name of your choosing in the
Program Files folder. In my case, I used the name Microsoff Office 2003, and
that is the folder name in the Program Files folder.

Would you mind giving me the instructions for running the file checker and
viewing the event viewer? And what would I be looking for?



Ken Springer

Hi, Peter,

"It's better to be lucky than good." I'm sure you've heard that one before.

Between your post, and DL's post, I think we've resolved the Office problems.

In case you have not read his/her post, it was noted the Office 2003
installation may have left pieces of 2000 hanging around. So, when I checked
in Add/Remove Software to remove the IE 8 Beta, I took a close look at what
else was there. And lo and behold, there was Office 2000 SR-1 Discs 1 & 2!
My reaction to finding these entries cannot be entered here! LOL

So, in addition to removing IE 8, I also removed the two Office 2000
entries. As I mentioned, I should be, and am, smart enough to have gone
there in the first place to see what was entered, but I'm so frustrated and
burned out on "all things Windows" with the constant fight of things not
quite working right, I go into brain freeze and "anger" mode.

But... ... ... "All's well that end's well." After rebooting, I checked
the Office update site, and the 4 Office 2000 updates were no longer being
reported as being needed. And this time the installation of the one
automatic security update for 2003 installed and stuck! And when I loaded
the basic Web HTML editor, it also no longer asked for anything Office 2000

Thanks to the both of you, we seem to have solved the Office issue. Now to
talk to the ISP and see if I can solve connectivity issues just some websites
that have just started. :)


Ken Springer

Hi, DL.

Please read my last post under Peter Foldes thread here.

Thanks for the help.



System File checker - see windows help
Event Viewer - Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer
Also running Disk Cleanup may assist

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