Office 2000 will not install on windows XP



I have a new desktop running Windows XP. I have the
original Microsoft cds for Office 2000. The install
program for office 2000 will not run - the os screen pops
up and goes away. If I run from dos, I get the error
message - Program too big to fit in memory. The .exe for
office setup is only 273 KB. The OS is from a new dell
deskptop, and the ms cds are from my last computer.
Everything is legit. Any ideas?




Yep, that is the case. I guess just because you buy
something you no longer really own it. I am using my old
pc as only a file server now, no office on it, it would
make sense to be able to install it on my new pc.
Perhaps we should all be leasing this software - since we
can't reuse it - would probably be alot less expensive
that way. Thanks for your help.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Actually, purchasing the software license with the computer is the cheapest
way to go as the OEM gets a steep discount and passes that along to you.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

Having searched the archives,
Scott <[email protected]> typed:
| Yep, that is the case. I guess just because you buy
| something you no longer really own it. I am using my old
| pc as only a file server now, no office on it, it would
| make sense to be able to install it on my new pc.
| Perhaps we should all be leasing this software - since we
| can't reuse it - would probably be alot less expensive
| that way. Thanks for your help.
| Scott.
|| -----Original Message-----
|| Was this version of Office preinstalled on the older computer? If
|| yes, then you will be unable to install it on the new Dell. The
|| version is an OEM and is tied to the old machine and can only be
|| used to verify your upgrade eligibility. Otherwise, the CDs can be
|| used for coasters.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| Having searched the archives,
|| Scott <[email protected]> typed:
||| I have a new desktop running Windows XP. I have the
||| original Microsoft cds for Office 2000. The install
||| program for office 2000 will not run - the os screen pops
||| up and goes away. If I run from dos, I get the error
||| message - Program too big to fit in memory. The .exe for
||| office setup is only 273 KB. The OS is from a new dell
||| deskptop, and the ms cds are from my last computer.
||| Everything is legit. Any ideas?
||| Thanks,
||| Scott.
|| .

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