I run Windows XP. My Office 2000 is up to date with patches as is the system.
At times when word is open with 2 or more documents and either the mouse or
arrow keys are used to scroll down the scroll will automatically go to the
bottom of the document. A lined blue bar appears at the bottom of the screen
and I can not immediately control or use word. I must envoke Task Manager and
click the displayed applications to get control back. Sometimes word will
also bomb with an error. This is most annoying not to say time costly and at
times looses data because word crashes.
At times when word is open with 2 or more documents and either the mouse or
arrow keys are used to scroll down the scroll will automatically go to the
bottom of the document. A lined blue bar appears at the bottom of the screen
and I can not immediately control or use word. I must envoke Task Manager and
click the displayed applications to get control back. Sometimes word will
also bomb with an error. This is most annoying not to say time costly and at
times looses data because word crashes.