Office 2003 apps crash browsing


Illini Rick

I have Office Pro 2003 build 11.8169.8172sp3 on fully patched WinXP Pro sp2
PC. Word, Excel, & Outlook crash sporadically (a couple of times a day) when
you perform a 'save as' and attempt to browse to a file location. I have
scanned for virus, spyware, defraged the drive, ran the detect and repair
routines, uninstalled and reinstalled sp3, deleted temp files, with no
improvement. Non MS apps seem to have no problem. Any ideas ?

db ´¯`·.. >

office works just
as well in safemode.

if you boot into
safemode, you might
not encounter the same
issue or difficulty

if you do or do not,
the safemode results
would provide a clue.

to boot into safemode
reboot and begin tapping
the f8 key.

then log into "safemode"
to begin the analysis.

db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>


Illini Rick

I don't think it is a Windows problem as non MS apps have no problem browsing
nor does Windows Explorer. The only times it happens is when you browse from
a MS app 'Save as' applet this includes saving a new document, tha app
freezes for a few seconds and closes with no entry in Event Viewer and no
Report this Error to MS dialog.


Using Safe Mode doesnt neccessarily indicate a win problem, it could just as
likely be another app, running in the background that has its hooks into
Office. Using Safe Mode means none of these will load

Illini Rick

Running the workstation in Safe Mode all day would be irresponsilbe on a
production machine. I'll try running the MS apps in 'Safe Mode' (outlook
/safe, winword /safe etc) but running Outlook with Windows in Safe Mode would
be pretty stupid IMO

db ´¯`·.. >

it is unfortunate
you consider someone's
assistance as "stupid".

frankly, it is unclear
as to how running outlook
in safemode is a basis
of stupidity, especially
since outlook would
not need to be initiated
for the analysis.

in any case, there are
other methods available
as well as other respondents'.

have a nice day or night?


db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>


Illini Rick

I do not consider assistance stupid and I apoligize if that is the way it
came across. I do consider running Outlook w/ windows in Safe Mode as
extremely ill-advised with all the malware that is floating the Internet as
email and antivirus not being active w/ Windows in Safe Mode. Any method that
does not include Outlook in the analysis is bypassing the crux of the
problem. example An email is recieved w/ an excel attachment, the attachment
is opened w/ excel the user needs to save this attachment. the attachment is
is at that point located in the hidden Temporary Internet folder, they click
the save as button, and try to browse to the location they want to store the
file, outlook & excel both crash.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Right-click on the My Computer icon on the Windows desktop or in the
Windows Start menu, left-click on Disconnect Network Drive, and
disconnect any mapped drives that are not currently available.

Illini Rick

That sounds right. Will implement this morning. Thank you Garfield-n-Odie.
Have a great day!

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